

DesignLimo featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



This typeface is developed with the designer in mind. Nel is a modern typeface with lots of options. The Regular version consists of Uppercase and lowercase letters, and quite a few other punctuation marks. The Nel Brickbuild is a playful stencil version and the Nel Dots is a dotted typeface. The Nel also has a light and heavy style with corresponding fun versions. Icons (an all icon font) has been its most recent member. There are nine options in total to mix and match while designing awesome prints, posters, logos, websites, or identities. One family. For designers.

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Type Specimen Alskar

Alskar sans is an elegant contemporary wide sans serif typeface with strong stylistic geometric authentic contrasts, drawing on the aesthetics and representing the shifting contemporary aesthetics. The type specimen was printed as a newspaper A2 (folded and sent as A4) and presents the typeface with a modern feel and experience.

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Q Shinsyu Apple Pie Lab

These are branding projects for Q, an apple pie specialty store. The typography of the store's name, Q, was created using the apple as a motif and symbol for the store. All brand tools, including the exterior, interior, lighting, stools, uniforms, and packaging, were designed using this simple symbol. In keeping with the product concept of utilizing materials as they are, the tools are also designed simply, utilizing the colors and textures of the materials, such as paper and wood, as they are. All designs are in line with the store's vision of valuing the original taste of apples.

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The rock art of the Holan Mountains is a cultural heritage of China and the world. It is gradually disappearing under ecological destruction. This designer plans to organise a digital art festival on the theme of Cross at Holan Mountain. They modernise the ancient rock paintings and express the theme through special materials so that this culture can be disseminated and applied in contemporary times, bringing into play the contemporary values of the ancient culture.

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Zaku inc.

This symbol has two meanings. It is the company name and the company slogan. It consists of typography of Japanese kanji characters, which read zaku in the company name. The kanji also contains the meaning of to create. The silhouette of Good's hand is formed using this character, which means to create. In this way, the company's slogan of Creating Good is expressed in a single mark. The symbol mark expresses the company's commitment to creating Good in the world through creative measures.

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Tsubasa.Y is a vintage selection shop, that in the piles of clothing of different times, looking for the exclusive taste of different self, constantly experimenting and merging, producing a fashion sound that this generation has never had before, just like the name of Tsubasa (wing), leading the ancient fascination to fly in the different clothes between the texture and the story. This case packs the shop's identification, packaging, and print design.

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